Tia Azhari does hot sexy pose with her boyfriend.Tia azhari is like does kissing with her boyfriend.If you see an image that, Tia Azhari are the party in the pool with friends
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Tia Azhari another Crazy and Bad Girl From Azhari Clan, But She is in Los angeles now.
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so hot, so sexy make people horny
this is some biodata of Tia Azhari
devoted wife and a mother at the moment..
Hobbies and Interests:
outdoors activities, movies, cooking, shopping, fashion and beauty...
Favorite Movies:
big fish, shawshank redemption, the green mile, zoolander, scarface, god father trilogy, lord of the ring,etc..
Favorite Music:
buena vista social club, the clash, the doors, sex pistols, gunsnroses, sarah brightman, and alots of oldies..and anything that is good to my ears...
Zodiac Sign: